My morning began at 4 am. It seemed like I had just gone to bed. But 4am rolled around and my heart was to excited to sleep, I knew it was going to be a long day, so I laid there for a moment a contemplated what to do. I know that every time I ever go back to sleep that once I wake up I never feel fully awake. I wasn't going to risk it, I got up, and showered.
My teeth hurt. I was a complete genius the night before and put some Crest White strip on, you know the ones that you're only supposed to leave on for 30 minutes! I must have fallen asleep shortly after putting it on! What a day to have sore teeth.
It was so quiet and peaceful, I loved it. Everyone was sleeping and I was able to spend good quality time with my Lord and my heart. I was at peace, no nerves, no worries, just calm, and 100% certainty about what was about to take place. Is this how all brides feel? I was thankful for such peace. Its lovely! While everyone was asleep, in the peace of morning I put my makeup on. Knowing this would probably be my only chance to take my sweet time and not rush at my make-up. I had thought long and hard about hiring someone to do my make-up, after all this is a special day. But I knew that no one in the world knew how to make me look like me better than ME!
Slowly but surely the girls began to wake up. Amanda, my cousin and bridesmaid showed up with mint tea and a scone from my new favorite shop in Fredericksburg, Rather Sweet. If you haven't ever been, you MUST GO! I had dreams of these scones! But as I ate, I realized I wasn't that hungry, so I nibbled little by little knowing the day was going to be a whirlwind!
I proceeded to get my hair done by my Phenomenal Uncle Ken, who came all the way from Albuquerque. He didn't realize just how much hair I had, but he managed nonetheless to create a lovely hair-do worthy of a bride. I won't lie, I was nervous as I sat in his chair and I saw his eyes widen as he ran his fingers through my thick blonde hair. It was, after all, the first time he had done my hair! I hoped he had brought plenty of bobby pins!
By the time we left for the venue, which was a little trek into the deep hill country, I felt like we were late. I didn't want to be late. The schedule was timed to the minute basically by my wonderful coordinator Amanda. I know plans are sometimes made to be broken, but the last thing I wanted was to rush! I was trying to soak in every second of the day, every smell, every feeling, every sight. I wanted to be sure that I remembered every little detail of the day.
The weather couldn't have been more perfect. I had been nervous about the possibility of moving it inside, but today, I wasn't going to worry. God was going to do, what He was going to do, and the last thing that needed to be on my nerves was weather. But the day only got more and more beautiful it seemed. Who would've known that in January, the weather would have looked so perfect! I remember that being one on the things everyone seemed to say "Jenna, are you sure! An outdoor wedding in January, in TEXAS?!?" I guess I was just brave, but I'm glad the cautions from others didn't detour me from chancing an outdoor wedding!
Once at the venue, much of the stuff was already done. The flowers by Erin, my fairy godmother, was breathtaking, the placements were perfect, and all the little details were so perfect. Joe Simon, our cinematographer was ready to capture every detail. Aric & Casey our photographers were also buzzing around like little bees. Amanda was like having a personal assistant, she was always 3 and 4 steps ahead of me. I loved it! But stuff really started to take off, it seemed like it was all a rush! Our first look was going to be taking place soon, and I needed to get ready! Bridesmaids, check, Flower girls, checkMake-up, check (I'm glad I did it at 4am, it never would've gotten done!) hair, check, boots, check, dress, check, great-grandmothers broach, check. I was ready. Amanda loaded me (it took some effort) up into the golf cart and away we went, to meet my destiny, my love.

And away I went. More to come!!!
Love, Jenna
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