Today is Mother's day. My Mother's day. My mom, is well the best mom that there ever was. I pray you feel yours is the best mom ever too. To understand such love from a mother is understanding the essence of the softest butterfly kisses, the sweetest I love you's, and complete tranquility through the touch a hug. Yes, Mom's are amazing. But mine is the best.
No matter how many times I write, "Mom, I can never thank you enough for all that you do" on a card, I still feel as though I can't thank her enough.
Lem'me tell ya about mine Mom. She's b-e-a-utiful, fabulously organized, and sweet as sugar! She is incredibly lovely even when she is constantly attacked by hair balls from 3 four-legged fur balls- but with of her Dyson she conquers them every time. She gave birth to two girls naturally like a CHAMPION. She has a magical ability to handle children... and children's parents. She works like a mad woman to make sure all is taken care of. And most importantly she makes you feel loved.
I love you mom.
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