Sunny background

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Merry Hillman Christmas.

Ohh Christmas tree, ohhh Christmas tree!  We are so excited to have our 1st tree, in our 1st house!  I'm had this vision of what Christmas at our house would look like.  It would be beautiful, magical, a Christmas we wouldn't forget, cause it was our first.  We had every single intention of putting lights on the house....everyone on our corner did it...except for us of course.  I guess we can do lights next year.  As for this year, a simple (and by simple I mean awesome) wreath would have to do to adorn our house in the spirit of Chirstmas.  

I found a plain ole wreath on sale and a few other things on sale at Hobby Lobby, this is what came out!  Such a fun little project.  I don't look forward to taking it down, I love my fancy door.

I started preparing early for Christmas, I found this beautiful mesh that fits beautifully on just about everything.  I put the brown mesh on the tree.  I thought I bought plenty... turns out I need 1 or 2 more rolls of the stuff to do it right.  But did you know that there wasn't a SINGLE roll of brown mesh in the city of Lubbock!!  Not a single one! Mercury glass ornaments covered the tree, I made some of my own ornaments with glass balls wrapped in jute twine.  The rest of the house was decorated with burlap and cotton decorations from our wedding, that took place nearly a YEAR AGO!!!

My parents sent out this picture in their Christmas card that I made.... 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tales of 9/11

10 years ago, I remember exactly where I was, I haven't met many who don't remember that day vividly. The world has really changed since that day. The tales of 9/11 continue to melt my soul, and the memories of those tragic events remain seared in the hearts and minds of the world.

Today as I watched the memorial services, I've found myself in tears several times today as I heard the touching stories of the fearless heroes that ran toward the chaos.  The stories of the children that lost a parent in the worst possible way.  The stories of the spouses and parents who were fortunate enough to receive one last phone call, and how they were left helpless on the other end of the line listening to the pain and fear in their voices as they said goodbye.   At times I had to leave the room, just to ease the weight on my heart.  But to the nearly 3,000 people who began their day as a normal day, and went home to their maker, I felt that I owed it to them to listen to all their stories. My prayers go out for them, and those they left behind.

Today, I cannot define myself as a Republican or Democrat, or as a Yankee or Southerner.   Today, I am an American. And I'm Proud of it.   xo

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Love today with CrazyLove

 You hear it all the time, actions speak louder than words.   

 T & I work hard to keep things new, fun, active, and most of all we find ourselves communicating a ton about our growth, our dreams, and our actions!   Actively loving someone is hard.  It takes being active and cultivating action in the relationship.  As a newlywed its easy to see how quickly some couples can grow apart!  It seems that, as soon as you land from your honeymoon you are constantly busy and being pulled in a million different directions!  And if you're not careful, the daily grind begins to rule your life, and your marriage.

Before we got married, we were told time and time again, “marriage is hard, marriage is work, marriage takes practicing every day to be better” love takes forgiveness, and acceptance for the things you don't predict, you don't foresee the battles ahead that life throws your way.  
 Until I got married, I had a difficult time wrapping my head around the idea that loving your soulmate was “work”.  Because when you look into your “luvah’s” eyes the 1st time he says "I love you" all you feel and see is complete and utter joy.  On the day you say "yes" to your dream as he kneels to ask you to be his forever, in an instant the life you will have ahead of you flashes before your eyes!  Again, its filled with joy, smiles, happiness.  And as you walk down the aisle, with the man that you love more than anything staring back at you with a tear in his eye, and a look of complete awe on his face, the overwhelming joy can't even begin to be described with words. 
So here's what I've learned after 8 months of being married...
1) I've learned that it takes making a conscious decision to create an incredible love that lasts for the rest of your life. You have to think deeply about what would be required to build that kind of incredible relationship. As uncomfortable as it may sound, you have to sit down and define exactly what it would look like in every area – physically, spiritually, emotionally, sexually and intellectually. 
2) Remembering Extraordinary relationships require extraordinary people
3) Its important to have a deep regard for one another. Adore each other. Demonstrate {remember actions vs words} a great admiration and a deep respect for each other. The importance of admiration and respect in a love relationship can’t be overstressed. Because there will always be storms – that is unavoidable. But when you respect and admire each other, you’ll be more likely to stay in the "ring" together and do whatever it takes to make it through. It may be exhausting, but you’ll come out stronger. If you can’t love and admire each other, the smallest storm will rock your boat, and potentially sink it.
4) Remembering, that people naturally take criticism differently if it comes in a context of love and support. Studies have been done that show that great relationships typically have a 5 to 1 compliment to criticism ration. So strive for 100 to 1. Know that if your compliment to criticism ratio is 100 to 1, your lover is going to listen to you. But if your lover is constantly bombarded with criticism and gets very little positive feedback, you’re probably going to get tuned out. Be supportive. Be complimentary whenever possible, and set the context for honesty to be accepted with open arms.
5) I hate when people joke that you don't know the real person you married until 6 months later...  that is seriously AWEFUL.  Its even more aweful that its true in some cases!  Make a commitment to be truthful and honest.  As hard as it is to be honest sometimes always be 100% real with each other and yourselves.
6) One of the most important attributes a love relationship can have is the sense of being on the same side – always on the same team. Sometimes, during tense situations, I find myself being reminded, "he's in my corner, he's on my team".  If your relationship is solid, you can handle anything that comes along – anything life throws at you. You may be strong people separately, but together you can be unshakeable
7) Disagreements come, its a healthy part of any relationship.  But talking openly about how you want to handle disagreements can make all the difference. Discuss the experiences and adventures you want to share and the goals you want to accomplish together. In essence, clearly define your marriage, and the vision for your marriage, because that’s the first step in building it. 

This is the purpose of love is to meet each other’s needs at a deep level so growth and expansion can occur for BOTH people.  Love isn’t just two people gazing into each other’s eyes all the time. It’s about two people holding hands, facing life in the same direction. Looking outward together, experiencing life with and through each other. Experiencing life with two brains, two sets of eyes, two bodies, two sets of intuition, two senses of smell, touch and taste. Sharing everything you are with a person you love. Sharing all the energy, enthusiasm and excitement of life together. It is living on a completely different level. 

Love... is one of the greatest things you can experience as a human being.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Food for thought!

Hello everyone! I hope your Tuesday is dashing! 

I wanted to give you some food for thought today!  FOOD INC.  Its a Documentary that includes Michael Pollen, the man who wrote The Omnivore’s Dilemma.  Did I mention that he will be speaking in Lubbock Soon!!  Ohhh and Tickets are only $12!!

This extremely insightful movie gives you a small and disturbing glimpse into the American CORPORATE  food industry, revealing how our country continues to put PROFIT ABOVE HEALTH by genetically modifying plants, over feeding animals, and the saddest thing putting small farmers out of business, and turning the very food we consume into a science. 
It even exposes a company known as Monsanto, a agricultural biotechnology corporation, who has been allowed to "patent life" with its genetically modified Roundup Ready soybean seeds, and doesn't allow farmers to save seeds (because of patent infringement), a practice that has been done for years.  The newest lawsuit against them was filed by The Public Patent Foundation. They filed suit on behalf of 270,000 people from sixty organic and sustainable businesses and trade associations, including thousands of certified-organic farmers.
The suit also confronts the propaganda that transgenic seeds improve yield and reduce pesticide use, citing reports on failure to yield and increased pesticide use. The complaint mentions a 2010 lawsuit by West Virginia after several studies contradicted yield results claimed in Monsanto’s ads. And, it notes the growth in glyphosate-resistant superweeds.

Food INC.

This film is very interesting. I am much more encouraged to buy locally, support our farmers.  And while I'm not the best, I try to know where our food is coming from and stay away from corporate America's attempt to commercialize and streamline the food we feed ourselves and our family. 

And while I realize that our nation is one that is highly populated, and that these farmers who grow crops commercially are merely doing there little part to help out.  I'm much more in favor of the little man. 

If any of you have the opportunity to see this movie PLEASE see it! It is well worth the ten bucks and will encourage you and your loved ones to make a difference starting in your own kitchen. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Meet the LaCount's. They are lovely

My sister got married.  I did my Matron of Honor speech.  And I don't think it sounded half bad....  phewwwww.  I actually didn't really read all of what I wrote, rather spoke from the heart.  (MY FAVORITE)  I am my truest self when I allow my heart to speak. If you remember from my previous post, I didn't know how to wrap up 26 years worth of memories/thoughts/feelings/advice/a couple wise cracks all in a 5 minute speech.  And though I have so much more I could've told her, as it turns out I didn't really need Rosetta Stone for the heart after all.

Here are some pictures of her day.  

I didn't quite realize how naturally Shanna would fall into the role of the Bride, nor did I expect her to be an absolute pro at it! Seriously, has she been reading the Knot??  She was a strong bride, a very smiley bride (that I did expect), she had no nerves (expected) and she winked a ton at Zach.  Her only complaint (which is the same as mine) it didn't last LONG ENOUGH!!! I could've partied til the cows came home

Zach and his fellas, all which were AMAZING, wore khaki suits, they looked dreamy. He too was cool as a cucumber, not surprising to me at all.  Though a few tears did sneak out during the ceremony.   His guys were such a blast!  I miss them already!!    I've never met a sweeter bunch of guys.    It was easy to see how much Zach is loved by his friends....and his family!!
 Shanna and  her girls wore mocha brown dresses adorned with TURQUOISE made by my cousin LaRae!  (So New Mexico of her).  She of course had some pretty swanky brown and turquoise Old Gringo boots on under that B-E-A-U-tiful dress, known as the mummy dress (cause it wraps you like a mummy).  

We got to see lots of friends and family, some that we don't get to see very often.  It meant the world to all of us that they took the time to come to one HOT Texas Wedding!!  
So they said I do, then off to pictures we went.  Sara & Rocky did a fabulous job. They have more personality I knew what to do with!  I found myself crackin up the entire time!  They were a TRUE joy to work with, not to mention their talent speaks for themselves.

So all and all, we made it! Whoop whoop!  And I was left dreaming.  Their wedding was magical in every sense of the word.  Infact, even as amazing as their pictures are, you can't feel the day quite like I remember it.  I'm dreaming of that feeling right now. It was lovely.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rosetta Stone Language: the heart

My sister gets married in just a matter of days to her price charming Zach.  I can't believe it, even more so, I need to figure out how to solve the writers block I've gotten while working on my big matron of honor speech!  I'm so lost on what to tell her though!  HELP!

Sometimes my head and my heart speak different languages, and my hands, bless their heart can't interpret either one of them into tangible words.  Is there Rosetta Stone for the heart?  If so I need to buy it!

How do I tell her, that love is worth fighting for, that marriage is hard, but worth it!  How do I say that long after the newness of marriage is gone, and you heart stops beating like a drum everytime you see your spouse, that that means you've graduated to the new level of love!  All love shifts and changes all the time, I don't love my sister the same way that I loved her when I was four.... I love them deeper, I know her deeper!

My sister is a country girl who when she was 17 she went to live in Hawaii for the summer.  In some ways I feel like she left a piece of here heart there, by the ocean.  

When I think about her time there, I am reminded that like the ocean, life....and love, are too an ebb and flow. And that her relationship, much like the ocean, offers the opportunity for renewal.  But overtime the ocean weathers rocks and makes its own path, there is no holding back.  

My prayer for her is that she will dive on in!  Falling more and more in love each day!

Now back I go to my speech.....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We are moving in!

Finally, we are moving into our new casa.  We couldn't be prouder.  We've only been in for a couple of days, and its amazing how quickly or home has already transformed.  Yes, there is still much more to go. Hopefully, with a little time, I can check off my my long to-do list and transform this house into our home!

Permanence is such an unusual feeling for me.  I haven't had a permanent home since I graduated high school!  So trying to wrap my head around this HOME thing is more surreal than I imagined it would be.  Occasionally I find myself thinking, well, we won't be here long so maybe I'll just keep that in the box.  Then I shake my head and think wait a sec, this is my home.  MY HOME.

Is is weird that I've never lived in a house (other than my childhood home) that I could actually put paint on the wall!  I mean... any color, any shade, any style, whatever my little heart desires! Ohhh I'm so excited to throw up a new hue.  I've been blog stalking interior decorating blogs like crazy to help me figure out exactly what I want.  It seems sometimes that when the world is your playground (or the wall is your canvas) that its actually more difficult to decide what exactly belongs there!

 But day by day, we are getting there.  TEAM HILLMAN.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pack your morning with power!

In 1902, a British philosopher, James Allen wrote a literary essay As the Man Thinketh, primarily based on the notion that man’s character is the sum of his thoughts. He believed that man’s ideas had ability to affect his circumstances. Allen’s essay presents readers the opportunity to change their circumstances if took hold of their considering in a positive manner.

The title itself, originates from a verse within the Bible from the Proverbs 23:7, that says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” When his book was printed, it acquired nice consideration and acclaim. Even right this moment, his book has influenced many who search inspiration of their lives.

I'm not going to lie. I don't always do this. I wish I did, but sometimes my eyes love to stay closed following a long day or night. But on the balanced days *weeks*, you know the days you have absolute sense of direction, and you are planting your steps purposefully on the ground, on those days, I try to get up and pack my morning with a POWER PUNCH!

My goal is to do this daily! But as I teach myself to get into the routine, this is how I'm going to do it!

1) Get moving – get dressed, get shoes on, getting purposefully prepared for the day. Start walking with e-motion – *aka energy in motion* – get your body moving, & get your feelings moving.

2) Focus on the day. Prepare for the people I'm going to serve. I don't have to know their names, I just visualize their faces.

3) Start feeling and being GRATEFUL. Start with my family and close friends and build out from there. Here’s where I can really think about and dwell upon all the things you could be grateful for in my life – mean while, I thank God for them

4) Do this for 2-10 minutes

5) Do a breathing excercise where you stimulate your body’s metabolism. Simply breath in the pattern – inspiration (count 1) hold (count 4) expiration (count 2). Do this 10 times.

6) Think about those things you want in your life – visualise as you’re walking. Combining the movement with the visualisations stimulates the emotional energy and your overall energy. This is very effective.

(2-10 minutes again)

7) Exercise. You don't need a gym to sweat for 15 minutes, you just need to MOVE!!!! Wii, run, jog, swim, cycle whatever – just GO GO GO! And at the same time chant POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS to yourself – you’re saying them in a state of total conviction. Like- I'm getting stronger with every step *or stroke* or I'm choosing to be well!

Make that step towards health and wellness, & pack your morning with a little PUNCH!

Strength & Smiles,

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Today is a wonderful day. It's a day, that I never forget. And as I humbly sit and type about the unbelievable sacrifice that the military has made for....little ole me. A proud American. I am honored to call myself an American.

My Memorial Day weekend made me ask myself a question. With all the furniture sales, BBQ's, and lake time that people are enjoying this very minute, is anyone remembering WHY we are able to have this day?? Is anyone remembering WHY we get the day off?

It's because of them.

Isaiah’s Commission
1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were calling to one another:“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;

the whole earth is full of his glory.”

4 At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke.

5 “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.”

6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

When I think of this verse, I think of them. Our brothers and sisters in the armed forces that risk their lives in the worst conditions while we BBQ with our friends. I think of their HUGE sacrifice. I think of their families that sacrifice time with their loved ones. I think those who won't be coming home as they made that ultimate sacrifice.

When I lived in Washington D.C., I went to a concert. To this day it is one of the most amazing concerts I've ever been to. I watch it every year on PBS. Here is a video of one of the performances, my only hope is that it stirs in you the same thing it stirs in me.


In Memory of Aaron Austin- USMC

Sunday, May 8, 2011

If the world only had more mine

It would be a much better place to live.

Today is Mother's day. My Mother's day. My mom, is well the best mom that there ever was. I pray you feel yours is the best mom ever too. To understand such love from a mother is understanding the essence of the softest butterfly kisses, the sweetest I love you's, and complete tranquility through the touch a hug. Yes, Mom's are amazing. But mine is the best.

No matter how many times I write, "Mom, I can never thank you enough for all that you do" on a card, I still feel as though I can't thank her enough.

Lem'me tell ya about mine Mom. She's b-e-a-utiful, fabulously organized, and sweet as sugar! She is incredibly lovely even when she is constantly attacked by hair balls from 3 four-legged fur balls- but with of her Dyson she conquers them every time. She gave birth to two girls naturally like a CHAMPION. She has a magical ability to handle children... and children's parents. She works like a mad woman to make sure all is taken care of. And most importantly she makes you feel loved.

I love you mom.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Love today.

You should know

That without a doubt, right here and now, as you read these very words, amid your dancing manifestations, where thoughts become things, & love conquers all. Know one thing. Know that you are exactly where you are meant to be, doing exactly what you were meant to do.

No matter where you are, no matter how difficult things might appear to be, you are always being moved toward magnificence.


Have a Magnificent Cinco de Mayo.

And Love today

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tales of Building 5/2

Notice anything different? THE FENCE HAS SOME LIFE TO IT! I'm so proud of this fence. It's a giant...standing at 7 feet tall.
If it weren't for the second story on that house.....
They have made more headway on the tile today. I can't wait to see it all together, it looks so clean and fresh now with that natural paint.
Not long now! Soon grout will be down, door handles will be put on, lights will be hung and the keys will be handed over!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tales of a Building 4/30

Today we went in to see tile on its way down, and paint up! Minus the fact that I've already picked out the walls we are going to need to accent we are very pleased with the way things are turning out. You can see a hint of the colors all together now.

The Foyer is nearly completely tile, I imagine in the next couple days we won't be able to go in to take pictures until the tile is dry. Here is the foyer from the other direction (from the guest bath)
To your left you see what will be the office door.

We had such a nice surprise to see the shower is nearly done. The picture doesn't do the tile justice. A great job by the tile guys!

The tile in the master bathroom. Its a little different than the tile throughout the rest of the house. Though its hard to tell from the photo, if you look closely, it has both cool and warm tones in it which is ultimately why we chose this to go in the Master Bathroom. Its very versatile.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tales of Building 4/27

The pit has been built! We can't wait to spend evenings out here! Camped out around the fire. I have visions of marshmallows and graham crackers dancing in my head!

This morning I went to the house for a quick set of pics. I found the guys working hard at bricking our mantle with "austin stone".

Here is a closer look at what they are up to!

And now.... the finished product! They did such a wonderful job!

The finished product of the "BS" pit as I assume it will be known as.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The tales of building 4/23

As I upload photos, its amazing to see how different it looks in the photo. I've been taking these pictures with the Droid camera, rather than a good camera simply because I wanted the quality to always be similar.

This is the view while standing in the dining nook just to the right of the kitchen.

A view of the beam (i <3 this beam) and the kitchen. Through the doorway of on the left side of the photo you will see the lockers in the mudroom.

We have some special plans for the oven hood. But you will have to wait and see!

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Friend Miss New Mexico needs your help!

Meet my friend Brittany, she's definitely one of my favorites.

Happy Brittany

Meet her once, and you'll see why she's so stinkin wonderful.  But if you don't have the luxury of living in New Mexico, just catch up with her on her ohhhh so sweet blog Happy Brittany.  You to will join the long list of people who LOVE Brittany.

Don't forget to VOTE for her to be the next (and best) MISS USA

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tales of Building 4/9

For my birthday, I want some trees. Actually, I wanted a camera, because I recently sold mine. But instead, I'd like trees for the house.
Today was an exciting day. The beam was put in!!! But not without a little help from T.
But when it was all said and done, it looked as magnificent as I imagined it would!

More beams went up in the Master, Foyer, and Office. But they weren't nearly has difficult to but in as this one!
All done with the wood work! This is what we are left with.

For my birthday I'd like a beam to go in the house.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our wedding video By Joe Simon

My expectations have been far exceeded with this video.  I'm in awe of Joe Simon's talent.  I highly recommend him.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tales of Building 2/28

Well, it doesn't look like much now but this is the beginning of a new project for us. And just days after we returned from our honeymoon, we have a beautiful peace of concrete. Over the next few months this slab is going to be transformed into a beautiful home.