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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tales of 9/11

10 years ago, I remember exactly where I was, I haven't met many who don't remember that day vividly. The world has really changed since that day. The tales of 9/11 continue to melt my soul, and the memories of those tragic events remain seared in the hearts and minds of the world.

Today as I watched the memorial services, I've found myself in tears several times today as I heard the touching stories of the fearless heroes that ran toward the chaos.  The stories of the children that lost a parent in the worst possible way.  The stories of the spouses and parents who were fortunate enough to receive one last phone call, and how they were left helpless on the other end of the line listening to the pain and fear in their voices as they said goodbye.   At times I had to leave the room, just to ease the weight on my heart.  But to the nearly 3,000 people who began their day as a normal day, and went home to their maker, I felt that I owed it to them to listen to all their stories. My prayers go out for them, and those they left behind.

Today, I cannot define myself as a Republican or Democrat, or as a Yankee or Southerner.   Today, I am an American. And I'm Proud of it.   xo